What to Expect

Daily Schedule

The daily schedule starts at 7:00 am and finishes at 11:30 pm.  All campers are expected to participate in all meals and activities.

Daily activities include leadership classes, roundtable discussion groups, presentations about your country and talents, outdoor activities, campfire, tranquility and cabin discussions.

The schedule is rigorous and demanding, but also very engaging.  Please be rested and ready to go when you arrive at camp!

Special Preparations Needed

We have a program called Show & Tell where students are scheduled each night to give a presentation to the camp.  These presentations are about the country the student is from, and is also an opportunity to showcase special talents and/or meaningful moments from a camper’s life.

The presentations range from 5 to 10 minutes in length, depending on the size of group from each country.

Alberta students are asked to present on specific topics related to industry, politics and more in the province due to the larger number of students from Alberta.
Please bring to camp with you any information and items (flags, photos, books, pins, music, food, etc.) that you think would enhance your presentation.

The RULES! NO 4 “D’s” Allowed at camp:

  1. No drinking (alcohol)
  2. No dating
  3. No drugs (smoking included)
  4. No driving (students who drive to camp must hand over their keys for the week)


See ‘What to Bring‘ for more Information
These rules are for your safety and to ensure the camp experience is a great one.  Campers who break these rules will be asked to leave immediately.

We expect a full camp of 35 students ranging in age from 15 to 19 years, representing 12 – 16 countries.  This can be an experience you will never forget if you are prepared to open your mind, try new things, learn from others, and challenge yourself to be your best!

Camp Facilities

The Leadership Camp is being held at the University of Calgary Barrier Lake Field Station.  We are in a dormitory building with shared rooms for all participants, a lounge and meeting room in the facility  for all campers to share. Washroom facilities are centrally located between the male and female dorm wings.

Leadership classes will be conducted in a classroom setting but may include some outdoor activities.


All meals and snacks are provided at camp.  Campers CANNOT keep any food or snacks (including gum or mints) in their dorm rooms or backpacks due to the bear population that lives near the camp.  Any of these items brought to camp MUST be stored in the camp kitchen and can only be accessed by a camp staff.
We prefer campers not bring these items to camp.

If you have any food allergies or special needs, please advise us as soon as possible.  We provide a variety of food at meals, but vegetarians, vegans, celiacs or campers with other restricted diets may want to bring additional food with them to camp to ensure comfort.  You can store your food in the camp kitchen and have access to it in the lodge upon request.


This camp is located in the Rocky Mountains.  The weather can be very warm during the day, but it cools off quickly at night.  Some years we have had cold weather during the day as well, even snow!  It often rains at least once.  The weather changes very quickly, so please read the lists below carefully and bring a variety of clothing and bedding to be prepared for any weather.

We look forward to meeting you!

Warm wishes,